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Interview with Luis Aguilar Olaciregui

The artists of the 70

An artist who was trained in Italy and now teaches at the School of Visual Arts, Robert Lewis his alma mater, is Luis Aguilar Olaciregui (1950) Olaciregui uses bright colors and environmental effects in paintings that pay homage to the tropics and that, time, stylized landscape to express a vision both intellectually and gestural nature....

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Interview with Luis Aguilar Olaciregui

The artists of the 70

An artist who was trained in Italy and now teaches at the School of Visual Arts, Robert Lewis his alma mater, is Luis Aguilar Olaciregui (1950) Olaciregui uses bright colors and environmental effects in paintings that pay homage to the tropics and that, time, stylized landscape to express a vision both intellectually and gestural nature.

After several missed opportunities are finally Olaciregui Panamanian painter supervising the final details of his latest exhibition entitled: Color ... Energy ... Strength ... in Mery Palma Gallery, located in the Hotel Caesar Park. - Well, looking at the painter-Olaciregui asked to enter the gallery. A tall, swarthy skin, who stood in the place said to me - I, "and then went to introduce myself to sit in the cafeteria to talk about his paintings. In between sips of coffee, some interruptions, exchange of glances, began the interview on Panamanian painter whose works are being exposed to 27 October. - At what age did you start painting? "I started painting very young, when I entered the Naudeau Fermín. The Spanish teachers, Diana Moran and Estela Periguat, influenced to continue that line to be painter, because I always saw participating in the production of murals and then prompted me to enroll in the School of Visual Arts. - What motivates you to paint? It's like eating, like breathing, is an absolute necessity, is a integral part of my life. I can not imagine life without painting, painting is everything to me. - What kind of techniques you use? First work in oil, acrylic and mixed, because it usually oil or acrylic and work in this exhibition use these variants. - How is the situation of painting in Panama? Painting in Panama has come a long way from the talent he has youth. The painting has been developed thanks to Adriano Herrera swept teacher, who cared in the early sixties to send Panamanian painters abroad, from where they had much influence on the formation of new generations. - What about the market? The market in Panama do not see any problem. In Panama there is a good art market, the artist has a chance to sell his paintings. - How catalogarías this exhibition? Excellent, because it addresses issues such as landscape, which is something that caught my attention and interests me. When I returned from studying in Italy and sent me to work in the province of Veraguas, it appears that during that trip I found myself surrounded the Panamanian countryside. Hence my concern about the landscape, but do not seek to expose, but to interpret the color of the tropics. This is a country where there is plenty of light, color and energy. While the painter spoke up to say hello to a couple known to invite them to your exposure. Cross words, smiles. Goodbye. We continued the pleasant chat. Coffee and I have been over and I is the sweet taste on his lips. - What artists have influenced your work? I really painted much like sweeping Adriano Herrera, because I was his assistant for three years. After him I love the works of Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Mondrian, are painters who somehow have something in my work. - Do you believe in the discipline? I try to make the most of the time. While working, I try to spend the morning and evening to painting, sometimes I paint until two in the morning. I try to paint what else I can, every day. To reach success in painting or any art needs a lot of discipline. Many young people think enough talent, it is not so, it must be painted to master the technique.

Born in City Panamael October 7, 1950, enter as a student at the National Arts School where he graduated Plasticas.En1968 puestro of honor, estudiosde continued his painting at the prestigious Academy of San Marcos italia1971 Florence.

1973 to 1979 working in University Up telvision in Panama as a set designer and operator audio.

1970 participates in exhibitions ... sovereignty in the Justo Arosemena Palace and a solo exhibition in a gallery dexa University of Panama, 1979 is incorporated com professor of drawing and painting The School of Fine Arts INAC in the decade of 90 was again appointed deputy director of the school of arts palstic in 2009 She currently holds the post of deputy director and professor of importance is the name that has earned olairegui in Panama, his talent has been recognized many times by criticosy the general public. ... their tenacity in the entertainment mantenerce is worthy of praise, despite the setbacks of life and cultural conditions of the country continues Olaciregui LAW, currently (2009) prepares his next exhibition at the prestigious gallery of Mery Palma, gallery owner who has supported Olaciregui forever.

Individual exhibitions:

DEXA Gallery 1974 University of Panama, Panama

Trust Bank Head Office 1980 Panama.

1981 House of the municipality, Panama.

Museum of Man 1985 Panama-Panama.

1986 Gallery Plaza Chiriquí Panama.

1992 Museum of Contemporary Art, Panama.

Gallery 1995 MVSEVM Panama.

Peace Art Gallery 1996-Panama.

1998 Gallery Art Signs-Panama.

2005 Mery Palma Gallery of Art, the Hotel Caesar Park.

2009 ¨ Blue ¨. Mary Palma Hotel Gallery-sheraton

Most important group exhibitions:

1969 Portobelo Ruins. Colon, Panama.

1970 Casa de la Cultura-Chiriqui-Panama.

1971 Public Library, Panama Santiago, Veraguas

Volatile Espoo 1972-Parque Porras Panama.

Espoo 1973-sovereignty-Panama

1974 National Library. Panama.

- Cooperativa San Cristóbal Colón. Panama.

- Exposobreania. Palacio Justo Arosemena, Panama.

1982 Panama-home day-Panama city.

GULF ART Contest 1983. Art Museum

Contemporary Panama.

- First room teachers. School of Arts


- Collective 2, Gallery INAC. Panama.

EXPO 1984 "Portrait of the Panama plastic" Hotel the

- Villa de los Santos, Panama.

- First Exhibition of National-level teachers


According to 1985 Hall of National-Level Teachers Panama.

- Artists Panamanian-house of culture-Quito


Anniversary University of Panama, Panama.

1986 Tropics of which is air-Mery Bernal Gallery Panama.

1987 Young Painters Panama. David, Chiriqui, Panama.

- Fourth Teachers Hall of Nationwide.


- First exhibition Facets Group-Panama.

- Second Exposure, Group Facets, "Arts on

- Paper "Panama.

- Collective Art Works Children's Villages.

S-SO Panama.

- Expo Tropics "That is air" Mery Gallery

- Bernal, Panama.

1988 collective work in different places and


1989 Homage to Panama-center

Atlapla conventions

1991 In search of green-National Bank


- New Vision Group Facets Gallery, Versailles -


1992 Selected in the First Biennial Brewery

Panama-Panama's National.

1996 Selected for the National Beer 3ra.bienal

Panama. Holy Caribbean Biennial Sunday

Republic of Panama.

1997 Selected to represent Panama in the

Caribbean 3ra.birnal Republic of Santo Domingo


1998 Expo Center Forlabat-Argentina Alfredo

Savings collective Panama.

1999 Gallery INAC, Panama.


1968 Honors. Youth Vanguard.

1983 Honorable Mention Art Gula-Panama

1996 Honorable Mention young art-club20-30

Honourable Mention the 3rd biennial national brewery


Information compiled by: Lic Maria E Diaz

Source: Art Museum Comtemporary

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